Friday, April 6, 2012


Today, I was able to borrow my father's 70 - 300mm lens (67mm diameter).  Quite a few notches above my standard 18 - 55mm lens. I had a lot of fun with it tonight!

The extra "zoom power" allowed me to get much closer to the moon and create some interesting shots.

As the moon was coming up behind clouds, there was an interesting "glow" that showed up.  I only have one or two shots of this before it disappeared.  Glad the exposure was just about right, I otherwise would of ruined these!

And here is the best full moon shot I've ever taken yet.  Would be nice to have a 700mm lens to try again, but the 300mm certainly made a huge difference compared to the 55mm lens I usually have.  In fact, I'd say it's not really useful to try unless you have at least 300mm in my opinion.