Saturday, March 17, 2012


This is one of the snails that is in my 10 gallon fish tank. 

This is another snail in the same tank.  Taking pictures of the tank proved to be more difficult than expected.  I'd really need an external flash to make sense.

My beloved (by cranky) the White Crown Tail Beta.

Abstract shot of bubbles running on top of water... tinted with color to make it more interesting...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I managed to get my hands on Adobe LightRoom 3 recently (birthday cash + $200 off sale = new software for me!)  Here are my first processed images with LightRoom (instead of Google's Picasa)...

Here's my son Caleb, with his interesting Lego creations... Was conservative with effects on this one...

Here is my daughter with one of her Lego creations... I played more with the effects on this one (a blend of a downloaded preset and my own tweaks).

This is an image which I actually posted in my last blog update.  Seems like LightRoom has more options to offer to process the images.  Conversion from my Nikon D60 RAW files is definitely much superior to Picasa.

This was also a previously posted image.  Noise reduction in this one and colors were also much superior to Picasa.

For this one, the noise reduction was incredible!  This image was taken using ISO400 and was very noisy in Picasa.  I was able to manually tweak noise reduction settings until I get a very smooth and clean image.

Overall, LightRoom is very nice for processing RAW images.  I however don't think I will use it to REPLACE Picasa.  I actually think Picasa is awesome for image management and organization.  I think I may keep LightRoom for post processing images that I want to print or post somewhere.  LightRoom was a good buy for me at $90 instead of the regular $300.  Thanks to very kind photography hobbiest for letting us know about the sale!