Thursday, December 29, 2011


Lots of pictures for today's post... yesterday had such a dramatic sunset, that I was running around the property taking pictures like a mad man... Amazing sunset, raining and a rainbow almost all at the same time!  Totally excited I was home, no vacation and had the camera ready to go.  Something I already knew, but if you want to take pictures at all, one of the biggest secrets is to have your camera with you at all times and ready to shoot!

This shot taken approximately facing South-West...

I I think it would be much nicer if I'd have a much bigger field and less trees, but then again, I kind of like the silhouettes on the horizon... 

I don't know if I've ever seen the sky so fiery yellow before, it was incredible!  I suspect this had to do with the fact that since it was raining, the sky was completely covered with clouds.  For some reason, the clouds opened up on the west where the sun was setting.  Seems to have produced dramatic effects...

This shot taken later, when the sun was already down... remaining light on the clouds produced amazing paintings in the sky!

Same as previous, but landscape shot instead of portrait...

This was the brightest and most defined rainbow I had ever seen.  Unfortunately, because of the area where I live, it was very difficult to get a good shot of the entire rainbow without getting power poles, wires and houses.  Either way, the rainbow was amazing!

There was a double rainbow for a while, but the second rainbow was only well defined for a very, very short period of time (could not get a decent shot of that second rainbow)

For some reason, the sky was very purple-ish!

We obviously geared the kids up to go outside and enjoy the nice scenery... for some reason, the rainbow and sunset was less interesting than pot holes and the muddy property lol!

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